What does Richlite Cost? Well, it all depends on what thickness you would like to use. At left is a vanity clad and topped in 1/4" Baguette by the skilled fabricators at Rust Brothers in Minneapolis -- http://www.rustbrothers.com/ .FSC Richlite material is available in thicknesses from 1/4" all the way to 3" and pricing is a factor of thickness. Just to give a ballpark --1/4" for wainscoting, ect ~ $12/ sf
3/4" for countertops ~ $50/ sf
1 1/4" for countertops ~ $80/ sf
This is approximate installed pricing and is subject to the complexity of your project and your local fabricator.
The strength of Richlite makes a 3/4" top very feasible in structural, span and cantilever terms. So the thickness choice is often an aesthetic one.
Another big cost factor is the durability of this FSC Certified Paper Product. Richlite will outlast other counters 2 and 3 times over! The Green-minded customer who is attracted to this appealing paper counter and it's matte appearance will enjoy Richlite like a leather coat. The longer Richlite is in place, the more it's beauty, appeal and the less it's cost due no need for replacement.